Visit the friends of Feline Outreach!
Sincere appreciation to Tom Cook of Your Office Whisperer for his expertise and assistance in marketing/design
Many thanks to Tina at Designed to a T for donating our fantastic logo!
Our gratitude to Tracie Hotchner for donating copies of her Cat Bible and inviting us to appear on her Syrius radio show, Cat Chat
Our appreciation to Althea of flip4nip for donating toys and other cat items
Thanks to Mousabilities for assistance in selling donated items
In addition, we're pleased to support those websites or other materials
that do an extraordinary job at educating caregivers.
In 2008, a Paws for Education award was granted to:
- a website addressing treatment of feline asthma

In 2007, Paws
for Education awards were granted to:
- a website detailing proper feline diet, especially as related
to feline gastro-intestinal disorders, diabetes, and obesity
- a website dealing with proper diet and how it can prevent or treat
various feline diseases, including gastro-intestinal disorders,
urinary tract diease, diabetes, obesity, and kidney disease. Thie
site also contains information on proper litterbox maintenance and
transitioning cats' food.
- a website dealing with treatment of feline diabetes, including
diet and insulin
- a website dealing with treatment of feline diabetes, including
diet and home-testing