It doesn't take much to throw our life out of whack - loss of a
job, an injury, unexpected medical or other expenses... and when
faced with financial difficulties, no one should have the emotional
turmoil of being unable to provide care for their beloved cat.
Feline Outreach is dedicated to providing financial and educational
assistance to cat caregivers. We hope to provide people with the
tools to keep their cats healthy and happy.
Recent accomplishments include:
A video demonstrating home-testing a cat's blood sugar levels, prepared by board members Jenny Knoblock and Lynette Ackman, was used in Dr. Jacquie Rand's presentation "Management of Feline Diabetes: Home Monitoring & Protocols" at the 2009 American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) forum & Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Convention. Our thanks to Kirsten of for recommending our video, and working with us to iron out the details!
Financial assistance toward surgery to remove a mass from a cat's chestFinancial assistance toward surgery to amputate an injured tailHome-testing supplies for a diabetic cat being adopted from a shelterFinancial assistance toward emergency vet care for a cat with a urinary tract blockage, as well as educational assistance on dietary changes to prevent recurrenceHome-testing supplies for a newly-diagnosed diabetic catFinancial assistance for tests and supplies for a cat with chronic renal (kidney) diseaseFinancial assistance for emergency vet care related to a cat's upper respiratory infectionFinancial assistance toward the purchase of a vial of insulin for a newly-diagnosed diabetic cat, as well as educational assistance on home-testing and dietFinancial assistance toward surgery to remove an obstruction from a cat's abdomen
Our beneficiaries write:

It is with sincerest gratitude that I write to thank you and
your organization for extending financial aid for surgery for my

My cat is doing well today. I want to thank Feline Outreach profusely for their aid in this situation. I have been out of work since November of last year. I have only my unemployment benefits as income. I did not have a large income before that and therefore did not have much savings, which has been depleted by now anyway. I am including a picture of my cat on his pillow. *** 
Thank you so much for helping our cat. After her fall, she was in tremendous pain, but now she is much better and getting back to her playful self. *** 
This whole situation put me in a horrible position to consider euthanasia even though I cannot think of living without my baby kitty. I cried hysterically for four days and still cry about the possibility of losing her. The financial crisis I had may have had to force me to either give up ownership or put her to sleep due the cost of care. I am already past $2000 again and it is still increasing. I did not know what to do. I asked the vet for assistance and they were not able to do very much for me. I did not want to lose her and I searched the internet for organizations that may be able to help and I found the Feline Outreach. I applied and was immediately accepted. I was awarded their grant and the money has helped so much! Just a little bit of assistance has helped with her care and encouraged me not to give up because of financial consequences. I never even knew that such organizations as yours existed and I am amazed at the immediate response and caring that your organization and the donors have provided to my cat. Thank you so much for offering my cat a second chance. Many animals and cats in general are never offered the opportunity to have a chance to live their 9 lives. She is my heart and I thank you for the care and assistance you have given us. *** 
I am so grateful to the dedicated volunteers of Feline Outreach for taking the time to review my situation and my cat's very complicated medical issues. Your advice is so easy to understand & gives me the tools I need to be sure my cat gets the best care & medical attention possible!
My cat & I really appreciate your help, and thank all of you for your assistance in this unexpected emergency & difficult financial situation. I love my cat so much, and it's obvious your organization cares about cats just as much as I do. *** 
Thank you so much for your generous grant. I am most grateful and appreciative--not only for the grant, but also for the "validation" that comes with it. So many people have found it hard to understand why I am doing everything I can for my cat. The reality is that she is like my child, and like any parent, I am compelled to do everything I can for her, especially given her good prognosis. It is so refreshing to know that there are people out there who understand and also believe in that.
Thank you, also, for sending all the detailed information in regards to my cat's case. I will share and discuss this information with our vet and specialist. I have already found it very helpful.
Finally, once my cat is healthy again and my finances have recovered a bit, you can count on me to be a regular donor to your organization. This experience has opened my eyes to the difficult decisions so many pet owners face. It is tragic to sit in the ER and have to watch people fear not being able to provide financially for the healthcare their pet desperately needs. No one should have to make a choice between their pet's life and their ability to cover the costs. As I've gone through this with my cat, fearing for her life has been incredibly scary and so overwhelming, but having the added pressure of not having the funds to cover the costs and having nowhere to turn (until I found out about your organization), is enough to make anyone go crazy.
I will keep you posted on my cat's progress. Thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart. You have made my day and certainly eased my financial burden. *** I am writing in gratitude and thankfulness to Feline Outreach for your financial help, the blood sugar home testing kit and all of the information which you have provided. This has given me more hope to do the right thing for our cat and to provide him with a comfortable and happy life of which he is so deserving. Please let all of your organization workers and contributors know that their efforts are a high consolation to worrisome cat owners such as my wife and myself.
Thankfulness and blessings to all of you! *** 
He has been and continues to be our little miracle and organizations like you have given him the most opportunities to live life to the fullest with us! *** 
Thank you so much!!! That is wonderful news and I greatly appreciate the rapid assistance of Feline Outreach Inc. We will certainly never forget your generosity! I will certainly keep you updated on his progress and hopefully will be sending you his recovery pictures very soon! We are both so grateful to your organization for your speedy and generous help. Thank you again so much! Yours with a big hug and meow, (This is his favorite chair. I call it his 'CEO' chair.) *** 
My husband and I cannot thank you enough for helping us with this surgery. He just called me and told me to check my email (apparently he was as anxious as me and has been checking on his own!). The clock was definitely ticking down and we were so afraid for her future. Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us give her a chance to go on to number two of her nine lives.
I will call the vet's office right now to see how fast they can get her in and will keep you posted.
You are doing amazing work and we know that you will be blessed abundantly for your caring and loving hearts. *** 
First I must say thank you from the bottom and deep within my heart. You are an answer to my prayers. When I read your email, the first thing I did was cry. Your help came just when we needed it.
He is eating, drinking, and playing (like an older cat of course), but I can get him to play. He loves to go outside for walks and clean his two brothers, and can play around with them.
Thanks to you, I can take a deep breath, spoil my boys, and love them for as long as I have them. God never promised tomorrow, but if we all wake up in the morning, we have today. One day at a time with him.

The money that you are offering, is so very, very gracious of you! I live paycheck to paycheck, and just don't have it. I love you from the depths of my heart for helping me. You're a true blue ANGEL, and I'm so very thankful for your help.
You do something very special for people. And you WILL be rewarded in some way or another. I believe that!
Thank you so much for everything! *** Thank you so much for your assistance. He has been feeling much better. Thanks also for the advice about the wet food, I will go ahead and switch both of my cats over to a wet-food primarily diet. *** Thank you SO MUCH!!!!! I can not tell you how relieved I am for your assistance. This is such amazing news. *** 
Just can't thank you enough for all of your help; he's on his way to a speedy recovery. Thanks to your organization, he will be pain free, happy and healthy! Here's a picture- his sister had to give him a hug to make him feel better. (His sister is the black cat, he is the fat cat.) Thanks again... he sends you a big meow, that's thanks in "cat”! ***
In addition, we're pleased to support those websites or other materials
that do an extraordinary job at educating caregivers.
In 2008, a Paws for Education award was granted to:
- a website addressing treatment of feline asthma

In 2007, Paws
for Education awards were granted to:
- a website detailing proper feline diet, especially as related
to feline gastro-intestinal disorders, diabetes, and obesity
- a website dealing with proper diet and how it can prevent or treat
various feline diseases, including gastro-intestinal disorders,
urinary tract diease, diabetes, obesity, and kidney disease. Thie
site also contains information on proper litterbox maintenance and
transitioning cats' food.
- a website dealing with treatment of feline diabetes, including
diet and insulin
- a website dealing with treatment of feline diabetes, including
diet and home-testing

Of course, it is the donations by our generous supporters that
have made these accomplishments possible - and will allow any future